Preschool Art: Picasso-2015

This year, we are focusing on Picasso with the Preschool that I teach at...we will end the year with a fabulous, interactive, informative art show- where they are the premiered artists!

The Long Awaited Art Show!!!!
Colors elicit emotion

Scissor skills and shapes


Older kids Cubism

Isnt that the prettiest wall ever????

 All of the classes also helped to make the parts for our free form Picasso sculpture...there was lots of painting and dabber dots, alphabet stamps, markers and crayons.  In a typical Picasso style, repurposed items were used - her hair is made from paper towel rolls, her feet from shoe inserts, boxes make her body----I think Picasso would be proud of their efforts and their execution!!  Wewll done my mini-Picasso's!!
IS she not fabulous?

Her hands even have fingers!


Picasso and Flowers/Rose Period
This past week we went over Picasso's Rose Period and Blue Period...being that it is Valentine's Week, I had the kids stay in the "Rose Period" for our pictures this week.
We looked at Picasso's  picture of hands holding flowers:
 The younger students - ages 2 and 3 worked with gluing and painted hand prints...I asked them to draw 4 circles.  We pasted the petals around the circles, drew in stems and stamped their hand on with pain...all rose colored- of course!!!
The older kids traced and cut out their hands, and painted their step at a time.  Circles, petals, stems and glue the hand on.  The kids did an amazing job--- the process is always more fun than the product with these guys!!!

Cubism and shapes
The kids were learning their shapes this month- a perfect time to tie in cubism!  The kids were taught about cubism and I shared the painting of "Three Musicians" - they were able to find the three musicians and their instruments - as well as the sheet music- they, honestly, never cease to amaze me!!

They were given the chance to make their faces - only using squares and rectangles----they did awesome, and they learned a new word; CUBISM!
I know most would say this was scribbled, but I LOVE how this student captured his energy in his piece - he was s o excited, so focused and so intense...when he looked up, he was afraid that his didnt look like everyone elses...I told  him, that out of  all of the pictures - Picasso would have been most proud of his.  He. SMILED.  :- )

Who couldnt admire the eyelashes, chin and cheeks - and dazzling yellow hair - lovely!!!

Oh my goodness- she worked so hard on her masterpiece- I was so proud of her and her attention to detail!
You have to love the attention to detail, the nostrils, the teeth, the eyelashes....loved it!
Are those blue cheeks not fabulous???
Even the two year olds got on the Picasso train, the lesson plan was altered to shapes and glue..."lets find TWO green squares for the eyes, etc", they did great!!!!

Poor thing was determined to make the whole face red - with a shake of the hand and a sigh - they just kept going!!!

George The Dragon
This year's Book Fair had a medieval order to bring the fair to life for Parent's Night we worked on some fun projects....we built castles out of big boxes, captured from the local hardware store, we made dragon tracks to put on the ground, leading parents into the book fair- and we made "George" a dragon that welcomed all t the Book Fair....George's scales were made from quartered paper plates, and we only used primary colors and some tin foil scattered throughout to add some shimmer.

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