Monday, June 13, 2016

His Weights and Measures

Honest scales and balances belong to the Lord;
    all the weights in the bag are of his making. Proverbs 16:11 NIV
This week we will be looking at authority and how to be a good leader. Our God demands honesty and truth in all that we do. We have His Holy Word to weigh all of our actions against. His precepts and His commandments are His making and we get to align ourselves according to their plumb line of righteousness.   Although this proverb speaks to commerce and the weighing of goods, I find a broader meaning: His weights, all of them are weights of truth. There is nothing on earth that stands outside the dominion of His weights and truth., all things are to be measured against His Word.
Sometimes we act as if there are areas that are a “gray zone.” 
·      Little, white lies
·       “Prayer requests” that are thinly disguised acts of gossip
·      Dishonest business practices
All things are held under the system of weights that the Lord holds. When we are walking through our day, it would be wise to weigh all things against His precepts. The Holy Spirit is our guide and our counselor, letting us know when something isn’t “measuring up”.
Let’s pray:
Lord quicken our spirits so that we are in direct communication with your weights and balances of truth and righteousness. Help us to pause and redirect when we might go against that which you deem to be right and proper.  Slow us down, in our families and in our business dealings so that all areas of our lives come under Your jurisdiction.

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