Thursday, June 23, 2016

Where Can I Sign Up?

19 Better to be lowly in spirit along with the oppressed
    than to share plunder with the proud.
I know that this is a paradox that is hard to gulp down, unless you are living in the upside down, right side up of Kingdom living.  To choose to be lowly in spirit?  Ridiculous!!  We live in a world that is dog eat dog, rise to to the top, compete to win…but …what if?
What if we chose a different route? What if we didn’t live according to the world’s standards.  Solomon, seemingly the richest man that ever lived, says it is better to be humble with the lowly, poor and meek, rather than, trying to get your piece of the pie with the proud and arrogant.
In the world’s economy everyone is looking to get their moment, their portion, their slice, and making sure no one’s is bigger.  You have to hold onto what you have because everyone wants to take it away from you.
How exhausting.
In His economy, you get to chill.  Like the little Lamb in my picture, your needs are provided and He promotes.  He blesses and He creates opportunities.  He leads us to greener pastures, beside still waters. We don’t compete against each other, because no one can do what I have been called to do in the Kingdom.  I can’t do what you are called to do.  So I chill in the green grass and I abide in the ways of my Shepherd, with all of my sheep family.  And we exist in love and encouragement. Yes please!  Where do I sign?
Let’s pray:
Lord help me to let of of the world’s economy and harsh tactics. Help me to leave a gentler footprint and an encouraging word wherever I go. Help me to relax in Your will and Your ways and let go of competition, strife and power struggles.  Help me so that peace and joy can be my fruits and my inheritance I am remembered by.

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