Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Jumping In With Two Feet

Also it is not good for a soul to be without knowledge, And he sins who hastens with his feet.
Matthew Henry sums up our Proverb today so well:
“He that hastes with his feet (that does things inconsiderately and with precipitation, and will not take time to ponder the path of his feet) sins; he cannot but often miss the mark and take many a false step, which those prevent that consider their ways. As good not know as not consider.”
To be without knowledge- is to be without a means to consider ones ways …..before we jump in with both feet.  To consider out thoughts, actions, words and deeds before we launch.
Sometimes a girl can get excited, you know? 
Sometimes a girl can jump head first, into the deep end, before considering the next step.
My husband and I went on an engagement retreat before we were married.  One of the exercises was to tell your betrothed something that you adored about them.   
His response about me? 
My passion. 
Ok, I’m cool with that.  (Images of the passionate artist streaming through my head, romanticized and brilliant in color….)  
The next exercise, what is something that you find difficult about your betrothed? 
His response? 
My passion.
Well there goes my romanticized image in a wink of an eye.
Passion causes you to feel deeply, to love extravagantly, to act impulsively, to cry horrifically and to…sometimes, well, every now and again- more times than not- well, often (truth be told) jump in before looking. 
Believe it or not, I have been working on that. I do spend time with the Lord now and seek Him in what I do and what steps I take. I seek His direction and His plans for my life.  I weep as He closes doors, but the artist in me, ricochets with excitement, at new prospects.  I think Jesus must get a giggle as He watches me bounding off to the new adventure He has planned for us, while I am crying about the one I am leaving behind.
I am a work in progress, aren’t we all? Be patient with me and I will be patient with you.  Maybe you don’t like to leap?  Girl, I got your back – gosh, I’ll push you before I stand still for too long!

Let’s pray that today we all sync with the heartbeat of the Lord and we walk inHis perfect timing and in His perfect plans.  We can run ahead, but His steps are steady and always there to fall in next to.  We may lag behind, He will wait. He’s just good that way.
His ways,  His timing, His paths and His diving board. Amen, Amen, and Amen.

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