Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Do You Trust Him More than You Fear Your Circumstances?

Day Two
23 For the commandment is a lamp and the teaching a light,
    and the reproofs of discipline are the way of life,
For His commandments ( A rule to observed as strictly as the 10 commandments) are a lamp, that offers us a light into the darkness.  A lamp offers a way and a comfort. Think of a nightlight, and the comfort that is drawn from being able to see what is around us.  His light offers us wisdom as well, so that we can discern where we are going as we follow her through the treacherous landscape of life.
His teachings ( Ideas or principles taught by an authority) are a light – and I love all of the implications that are wrapped up into this one word.  The word is: “OWR” meaning:  (The comments are my own holy imagination running with these concepts and what this for of “light” means to me)
1.     light
1.     light of day: Walking in full wisdom
2.     light of heavenly luminaries (moon, sun, stars) The Lord as a constant in our horizon- leading and shining
3.     day-break, dawn, morning light Wisdom begins with one decision at a time, one second at a time, like the dawn breaking over the dark horizon.
4.     Lightning  Flashes of Wisdom – those “aha-ha” moments
5.     light of lamp – breaking into the darkness, providing safety and a path
6.     light of life: Oh my word.  That His teachings are LIFE
7.     light of prosperity : His teachings do not offer me prosperity – they are, in and of themselves: prosperity.  Within these teachings full life can be found!
8.     light of instruction : In the light we can find instruction and discipline to keep us on track.  The Father disciplines those He loves.
9.     light of face (fig.) : Like Moses coming off of the mountain – we should be altered by our interactions with Wisdom
10.  Jehovah as Israel's light: He is Israel’s light and mine as well.
His teachings become more than a light- they are truly illumination into the mysteries of God and the way to a full life.
This past week I had to bring my dogs in for their shots.  I have a dog that is my dog, through and through.  We did agility together, dog shows, he was my constant companion when he was younger. The vet needed to get blood from him.  They put him in a stranglehold and dug into his leg, unable to find a vein. They took it out and dug and stuck and dug some more.  Simon did not look at what was going on around him.  He only looked at me. His big, brown eyes bore into me and only me.  He needed to know if he was ok.  The needle came out and was jabbed back in, searching under the skin for a vein.  I could feel the question, “Am I ok?” He never took his eyes off of me as I reassured him.  As long as I was ok with what was happening, he was ok----and he took whatever the world was throwing at him.  He trusted me more than he feared the circumstances. 
That’s Wisdom and that’s our Lord –if we can keep our eyes focused on Him.  If He says that we are OK, I can trust Him and not focus on the circumstances.  This is the peace of God that surpasses all understanding: Do you trust Him more than you fear the circumstances?  Keep your eyes focused on the one that makes everything Ok!

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