Friday, April 29, 2016

Proverbs 11:22-23 Godly Use Discretion

THE GODLY USE DISCRETION (11:22–23): Discretion is more important than beauty.

“The godly can look forward to happiness, while the wicked can expect only wrath.”
22 A beautiful woman without good sense is like a gold ring in a pig’s nose.
23 What good people want brings more good. What evil people want brings more trouble.
            A gold ring in a pigs nose is quite the visual.  Solomon captures such an essence of the vulgarity of a beautiful woman with no sense.  This is truly a juxtaposition, as she can not claim “beauty” unless her character and integrity line up with God’s plumb line of righteousness.  So many pop stars now are this image of a pig with a ring in its nose.  Beautiful they stand before us, with vulgarity spilling from their lips, obscene gestures, scantily clad ---and their beauty slips into this type of…revulsion.  Beauty is a reflection of what lives in the garden of one’s heart.  
As our Wisdom and Prudence lead us, we are guided into the light of His ways. We house the eternal possibilities of our God within us.  We house His identity and His authority.  We get to look forward to happiness, or Joy.  Happiness is reliant on luck or circumstance – JOY is ours through our Lord.  
If you are not in relationship with my Jesus, I would love to talk to you about it.  He is the butter on my corn and the sugar in my coffee.  He takes the mundane things of life and He makes them,far sweeter because of His presence.  I would love for you to meet Him!!

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