Thursday, May 19, 2016

PRoverbs 14: 22-28

I have chosen the verse that speaks tome for today and journaled about it.  You choose what verse speaks to you and journal it out in your bible, or in your sketchbook.
22 If you plan to do evil, you will be lost;
    if you plan to do good, you will receive unfailing love and faithfulness.
23 Work brings profit,
    but mere talk leads to poverty!
24 Wealth is a crown for the wise;
    the effort of fools yields only foolishness.
25 A truthful witness saves lives,
    but a false witness is a traitor.
26 Those who fear the Lord are secure;
    he will be a refuge for their children.
27 Fear of the Lord is a life-giving fountain;
    it offers escape from the snares of death.
28 A growing population is a king’s glory;
    a prince without subjects has nothing.
Planning to do evil implies forethought, scheming, engaging the mind is scenarios and plots meant to twist, divide, maim and hurt.  Solomon promises that this will lead to lost wandering.   It occurs to me that we all sow into tomorrow, but what are we choosing to sow?  Our harvest is a direct result of that which we have paid attention to, planted, nurtured and grown.  
If we stake ourselves against God, against a Holy Obedience to the ordinary –we are promised that we will wander.  When I think of one that wanders, I think of one with no roots. No roots brings about lack of commitment and faithfulness.  A tumbleweed blowing across abandoned places, where life “used to be” comes to mind.
Evil thoughts and intentions kill life around it.  We all need the light of the Son to thrive.  Darkness perpetuates darkness and starves the sapling yearning for light. I would like to think that none of us here are intentionally pondering evil.  What is our response to evil in the world around us? Does righteous indignation bubble up within for the broken and the hurt?  There are so many places for Christians to serve, from our homes to our communities, to our nation, to the world….so many places to love recklessly.
When we plan to do good, we are promised unfailing love and faithfulness.  I know this isn’t always true. I know that in this world there is betrayal and we can do all that we know to do to be “good” and people rise up and hit, hurt, accuse and maim.   If we look at the Greek, the word for “unfailing love” is khä·sad' , a primitive root properly, perhaps to bow (the neck only [compare H2603] in courtesy to an equal), i.e. to be kind.  Jesus offered that if we are slapped one cheek, we are to offer the other cheek.  Wisdom paints the same picture here for us. Wisdom would have us bow our head to the assault and not bite back with words, but to be kind in the face of adversity.
In the greek, the word for faithfulness is “'emeth” meaning stabitlity. Wisdom offers us roots, and a heart of mercy.  A heart that does not seek vengeance or to be right. A heart that sows into the broken even as they break us.

Jesus is the living example for us in this verse. What a humbling morning to spend the time with Him and put aside all petty quarrels, and bow my head in grace to those that have hurt me. What a marvel His word is, I delight in the treasures that He has for us each day! 

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