Monday, May 23, 2016

Proverbs 14:30

I have chosen the verse that speaks to me for today and journaled about it.  You choose what verse speaks to you and journal it out in your bible, or in your sketchbook
29 People with understanding control their anger;
    a hot temper shows great foolishness.
30 A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body;
    jealousy is like cancer in the bones.
31 Those who oppress the poor insult their Maker,
    but helping the poor honors him.
32 The wicked are crushed by disaster,
    but the godly have a refuge when they die.
33 Wisdom is enshrined in an understanding heart;
    wisdom is not[c] found among fools.
34 Godliness makes a nation great,
    but sin is a disgrace to any people.
35 A king rejoices in wise servants
    but is angry with those who disgrace him.
Jealousy is a funny thing, it does eat at your mind and at your peace. It truly weakens you and eats away at you, just like cancer does.   You are left with a resemblance of yourself, not your true self and who you were created to be. When operating under jealousy our words are toxic and our thoughts are malignant.
My “simple cure” for jealousy is that when I feel it’s lure – I pray bountiful blessings over the person and ask the Lord to bless them in their pursuits.  So that, in place of jealousy and “lack” my thinking shifts to abundance and kingdom living.   There is enough for all of us, we do not have to scratch and claw for our portion.  Our God loves us so much, He provides more than enough for all of us.
I was created to do what only I can do.  No one else can do what I was created to do.  As we grow and we expand into our true selves, who we were created to be…..the Body grows and becomes more functional. As we support each other and encourage each other into our highest calling – the body becomes a functional Bride.
Jealousy is a dart that can stop this whole process and keep us focused on self- rather than on Him from whom all blessings flow. 
Self and pride, jealousy and strife---all pit us against each other in a tug of war, when in God’s economy there is “enough” for all, with an overflow of abundance!

The Hebrew word here for "healthy" is "chay", and it paints a picture of overflowing, reviving fresh water, of green vegetation. Imagine that, when we are living at peace with God and man, we overflow with living, reviving water. This is our inheritance, this is who we were created to be and how we were meant to operate and "do life"- out of reviving fresh, flowing waters amongst green life and fruit. 

Take away: How are you walking through your days? Is there someone you need to pray for today, a situation you need to give over to God? Is there an area of your life where you struggle with jealousy?  Would you try praying for that person, or that situation this week, and praying abundance and blessings over them?  Let’s see what happens as we switch from a poverty mentality to an abundance mentality!!

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